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The world's most powerful quantum error decoder.

Large scale quantum computers will generate terabytes of syndrome data every second that must be decoded as fast as it’s acquired to stop errors propagating and rendering calculations useless.

To tackle this challenge, we’ve created Deltaflow.Decode, the world's most powerful scalable quantum error decoder. Customisable to each quantum computer maker's requirements, Deltaflow.Decode can be tightly integrated with any qubit control system to implement a complete high-speed quantum error correction cycle.

Deltaflow.Decode is the product of ground-breaking research into quantum error correction (QEC) by the world’s top experts in decoding, noise modelling and chip design.

Find out more about QEC

Deltaflow.Decode can spot qubit errors quickly and accurately, and is designed to support the next generation of bigger and more powerful quantum computers.

Deltaflow Decode, the world's most powerful quantum error decoder

Our approach

We use a robust process and a powerful set of tools to create decoders tailored to each quantum computer maker’s hardware.

Using prototyping and simulation to validate the design at every step, we start by modelling the decoder in pure software, then move to software modelling of a decoder chip, before creating a physical chip and integrating it inside the quantum computer.

The result is a high-performance decoder that delivers significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art Union Find decoders that can process more syndrome data more accurately and more quickly using smaller and more power efficient devices.



Decodes code with up to 1000 qubits in under 1 microsecond
Uses less than 5% footprint of an FPGA
Exceptional scalability

with lower power consumption

Deltaflow.Decode IP
Deltaflow.Decode IP

Deltaflow.Decode IP

Deltaflow.Decode is a powerful quantum decoder technology, balancing speed and accuracy with resource requirements to provide a practical route to error-corrected quantum computing.

Deltaflow.Decode Product Suite

Featured experts

Our world-leading team of researchers and engineers have decades of combined experience in the design and implementation of high speed, high performance error correction solutions.

Our dedicated noise team, led by Hari Krovi, builds circuit level noise models for our partners' quantum computing hardware, enabling us to create powerful and efficient decoders tailored to their qubits.

Download our DD1 datasheet

Download our DD1 datasheet
